This isn’t a surprise – I’m a BIG fan of email marketing.

The big surprise to me is that so many people aren’t. I’ve been in marketing for many years, in many industries and there’s no better marketing channel that consistently delivers such a good return of investment as email marketing. And yet I meet people who don’t know about it – or worse, doubt it!

There are many myths and misconceptions about email marketing. But here are some marketing facts: email marketing is alive and well. And MORE effective than ever! So I’m here to debunk the most widespread email marketing myths and set the record straight. By busting these myths and providing you with marketing facts, it’ll empower you to harness the true power of email marketing so you can equip yourself with email marketing strategies for success.

Why You Need Email Marketing

The digital landscape today is hectic – marketing channels seem to multiply by the minute! But email marketing stands as a dedicated supporter for business promotion and email marketing strategies should be essential in your marketing plan. You can’t afford to overlook the power of email marketing:


1. Direct and Personalised Communication

Email lets you deliver messages directly to your audience’s inbox, creating a personal connection. It’s a one-on-one, targeted conversation that other platforms can’t match. Tailoring messages to individual preferences builds trust and loyalty.


2. Cost-Effectiveness and High ROI

Email marketing is a budget-friendly powerhouse. It delivers an impressive average ROI of $38 for every dollar spent. There’s no big expenses on printing or ad slots—just a channel that consistently yields high returns.


3. Building and Nurturing Customer Relationships

Email marketing is about more than sending emails; it’s about crafting a journey for your subscribers. Consistent communication, valuable content and occasional promotions nurture trust and loyalty. Being a familiar name in their inbox holds a powerful sway when they’re ready to make a purchase.


4. Data-Driven Insights and Analytics

Email platforms offer a wealth of data—open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, list growth rate and more. This information is your recipe for success to help you tweak content, timings and targeting based on data-driven feedback to make your email campaigns smarter and more effective.

Email Marketing Myths

Despite its many benefits, there still seems to be doubt surrounding the effectiveness of email marketing as a reliable marketing channel. I’m here to bust these myths and provide you with the true marketing facts so you can see what an incredible marketing tool you have at your disposal.

Email Myth 1: One Email Equals One Sale

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you need more than one email to seal the deal (usually). We’ve all wished for a magic email that turns every recipient into a loyal customer in one click.

In reality, expecting an immediate conversion from a single email is like planting a seed and expecting a tree the next day. It’s a process. It’s about building relationships that lead to long-term customer loyalty.

Effective email marketing strategies are all about nurturing leads, not rushing them. It involves guiding prospects through the sales funnel, providing value at every step and giving them the time and information they need to make a decision.

You could have one sales email that has a really high conversion rate. Chances are those people have been on your list a little while already, you’d already warmed them up and then they were ready to buy. 

Email Myth 2: Unsubscribes Are Bad

It’s easy to get disheartened when you see people unsubscribing. Many think it’s a sign of failure or rejection but it can actually be a positive indicator. It means your analytics will be cleaner. 

Someone unsubscribing might just be decluttering their inbox, not necessarily rejecting your brand. Or perhaps they prefer to engage with you in another way on a different platform. Instead of viewing unsubscribes as a loss, look at it all part of keeping a healthy and active email list. 

A good way to reduce unsubscribes is to allow people to update their preferences so they can reduce the number of emails they receive, or only want to hear about specific topics. This helps to keep your list more engaged and also boosts your email deliverability and sender reputation. 

A good unsubscribe rate to aim for is 0.5%. If you see it gets too high then look for patterns about why people are unsubscribing. You can read more about email marketing metrics and what to track here.

marketing facts

Email Myth 3: Overnight List Growth 

Many think that a massive list equals instant triumph. But here’s one of the most proven marketing facts: quality beats quantity every time. 

It’s not about the size of your list but rather the engagement level of your subscribers. A smaller, highly engaged list is far more valuable than a large, disinterested one. Cultivating genuine connections with your audience, understanding their needs, and providing value consistently is what leads to lasting success.

Consider two scenarios. In the first, you rapidly grow your email list overnight by offering a generic freebie that attracts a wide audience. While the numbers look impressive, the actual engagement and conversion rates are dismal. 

In the second scenario, you take the time to target and attract subscribers genuinely interested in your specific niche. This smaller list is filled with individuals eager to receive your content. As a result, your open rates are higher, your click-through rates are more meaningful and your conversion rates are noteworthy. This proves that fostering quality connections leads to a more effective and successful email marketing strategy in the long run.

Looking to grow your email list with your target audience? Read more about lead generation and the ebay lead magnets here.


Email Myth 4: Freebies Hunters Never Convert 

Some people believe that freebie hunters never convert to paying customers – and that simply isn’t true. Understanding your subscriber behaviour is key here. Yes, some people might only be in it for the freebies. But others are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. It’s about recognising and nurturing potential leads within this diverse group.

For example, offering a free masterclass can attract potential customers who later purchase services you showcased in your masterclass. They were able to see the value you provide and how you would deliver it and then they are ready to purchase.

By providing value with a freebie and then following up with a mix of valuable content and occasional offers, you’re more likely to convert customers. This is one of the email marketing strategies that ensures that you’re nurturing potential customers and also maintaining loyalty with those who have already converted. It’s a win-win strategy that dispels the myth that freebies don’t translate to customers.

Email Myth 5: Email Marketing is Dead

Some believe that in the era of social media and instant messaging, email marketing has become a relic of the past, destined for irrelevance.

Quite the opposite! Email marketing is alive and thriving. It’s not about replacing other channels but rather about integrating them for maximum impact. Email serves as a cornerstone in a digital marketing strategy.

Let’s look at a retail brand as an example. They utilise social media to build a community and create buzz around their products. But when it comes to driving conversions and nurturing leads, they turn to email. By sending personalised product recommendations, exclusive offers and informative content, they’re able to directly engage their audience. 

The synergy between social media and email marketing works hand in hand, each amplifying the other’s reach and effectiveness. Studies consistently show that email marketing has one of the highest return on investment rates of all marketing channels. Typically, an ROI of 5:1 is considered pretty good in digital marketing. Email marketing has an estimated ratio of 36:1. So it’s far from being obsolete. 

Email marketing is still a powerhouse that continues to deliver impressive results.

digital marketing tools and ROI

Email Myth 6: One-Size-Fits-All Strategy

There’s a belief that a one-size-fits-all strategy will work for every company. But let’s be real – that’s never going to work!

Like any strategy, email marketing strategies should be personalised to your brand and your audience. Every brand is unique, with its own voice, values and audience. Tailoring your email strategy to reflect these distinct attributes is the key to success. What works for one brand might not work for another, even in the same industry. It’s about understanding your brand identity and your audience preferences.

Two competing brands in the same niche require entirely different email strategies to connect with their audiences effectively. When I work with 1:1 clients with my Done For You service, we dig deep into their brand strategy, company goals and audience preferences so we can tailor their email marketing strategy to fit their brand like a glove – and ultimately watch their engagement soar. The power lies in the details. 


Email Myth 7: ‘Free’ Equals Spam

It’s a common fear that using the word ‘free’ in your email subject lines or content is an express ticket to the dreaded spam folder. This myth has left many hesitant to offer freebies or promotions.

It’s not about the word ‘free,’ and more about your overall email marketing strategies. Email deliverability is influenced by several factors, including sender reputation and engagement rates. If your emails consistently provide value and engage your audience, using the word ‘free’ strategically won’t result in your emails automatically going to spam. 

The key is to prioritise engagement and deliverability by crafting compelling subject lines and content. Make subscribers excited to open your emails and spam filters will be less likely to stand in your way. So, don’t shy away from words like ‘free’; just ensure it’s part of a well-rounded, engaging email marketing strategy.


Email Myth 8: There’s One Good Time to Send Emails

It’s a tempting thought, isn’t it? That there’s a golden hour when everyone’s inbox is wide open and receptive to your message. However, the reality is far more nuanced.

Your audience is diverse, spread across various time zones and have their unique schedules and habits. What works for one company might not work for another. Experimentation is your best friend here. Try sending emails at different times and days of the week to see when your audience is most engaged.

Discovering the optimal send time to send email will be unique to your audience. By utilising analytics, you can pinpoint the optimal send times that resonate most with your audience, ensuring your messages hit their inbox when they’re most likely to be read. 

email marketing strategies


Now that we’ve unveiled the right marketing facts behind these email marketing myths, you’re armed with the knowledge to revolutionise your marketing game. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about making genuine connections, nurturing leads and providing value that resonates with your audience.

Email marketing isn’t just a tactic; it’s a relationship-builder, a budget-saver and a data-driven tool. As a digital marketing option, email marketing NEEDS to be one of the pillars of your marketing efforts. 

If you haven’t embraced it yet, now’s the time. And if you need help to kickstart your email marketing journey and plan your email marketing strategies, I’ve prepared a simple step-by-step guide to launch your email marketing. Download the free guide here.

4 Simple Steps to Start Email Marketing

Looking to start email marketing but no idea where to start?

Plan 12 months of email marketing content

Learn how to:

  • Generate leads consistently
  • Build an engaged mailing list
  • Generate more revenue 

But how do you get people onto your list? 

Follow this 4 step guide to get started. 

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